Automotive OEM Style Guide

//Solera Autopoint (2020)

A digital repository that presents the basic branding guidelines for OEMs such as logos, fonts, colors and button styles. A custom UI is developed to allow streamlined updates to these data elements as branding changes over time. See a live prototype of the style guide here. Note: The style guide is not designed to function on mobile devices.

The typography section of the style guide before and after hitting the edit button.

One stop. All styles.

Rather than dig through each OEM's latest marketing style guide PDF or website, the OEM would get individualized pages in the style guide displaying all relevant brand elements. Helpful at a glance for designers in charge of designing for over thirty OEMs!

Various sections of the style guide expanded.

Editable for admins.

Each region can be fully edited by the appropriate users, including uploading and replacing fonts, logos, and stylistic elements to keep the brand guides up to date.

Editable regions.